An Valenteyn has worked for
Cliniclowns Belgium for fourteen years now, coaches new cliniclowns,
has done theatre work in which clowning plays an important role and
will soon be starting to teach together with Maria Cavarretta.
When I saw this video on the ‘health
care virtual clowns’ facebook page it deeply touched me and it made
me laugh at the same time. The group was founded by Patrick van den
Boom during the confinement to make it possible for clowns to share
their work and to reach each other. At that time I actually felt
quite disorientated and overwhelmed. ‘Everyone’ seemed to be
saying, like always, that ‘we have to make the best of this’ and
it only made me feel resistant and cut off. But the clown video’s
in this group started showing me a way out, a way towards connection
and acceptation. However, the video that really did the job, was An’s
video. Her video showed in such a simple, liberating way what our
shared reality had suddenly become. She sings about having to stay at
home, about practicing her eyelids movements today and not knowing
yet what she’ll do tomorrow. The idea of exercising your eyelids
all day long was so beautifully absurd, funny and simple that it
helped me to breathe again. The idea of ‘making the best of the
situation’ became a bit absurd and therewith I suddenly felt that a
part of me was also curious and wanted to find out about this new
situation too.
I think it is because she is not in any way telling me what to do, she’s just showing me herself giving it an honest try, with the whole mixture of feelings, the insecurity and the enjoyment about new possibilities at the same time. I think this is a very special gift of An, to be able to show different and even contradicting emotions at the same time. As it often is like this. So often when performing, to me it seems like I have to choose one of the emotions that are there and neglect all the other emotions that I’m also having. But what I could relate to at that moment, was exactly that mixture of contradicting emotions.

There are three sides of everything
a positivea negative
and a funny side
For me, personally it’s never the positive or the negative side of something that helps me embrace it, it’s always its funny side. There are times though that it needs someone very sensitive to show me that funny side, someone like An.
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